Saturday, December 16, 2006
Global Kitchen
@Pan Pacific 3rd Floor
XiaoYing is busy this week and who other to invite... than my good friend.. Old on air partner .. Moses Lim!! He and his wife came. He lost 20KG.. His wife lost more than 10Kg!!
We had an enjoyable time eating the fine nice cuisine of this new restaurant in Pan Pacific!
Its the best meal so far! Tasty, healthy and VERY VERY good!
Left Foei Gras, Middle Tomato Soup with Artichoke Ravioli, Right Me and Moses
@Pan Pacific 3rd Floor
XiaoYing is busy this week and who other to invite... than my good friend.. Old on air partner .. Moses Lim!! He and his wife came. He lost 20KG.. His wife lost more than 10Kg!!
We had an enjoyable time eating the fine nice cuisine of this new restaurant in Pan Pacific!
Its the best meal so far! Tasty, healthy and VERY VERY good!
Left Foei Gras, Middle Tomato Soup with Artichoke Ravioli, Right Me and Moses